How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: SAME
Maternity clothes? All the time now...
Stretch marks? Same but I am still bathing myself in bio-oil in hopes that they will not get any worse. It has been working pretty good so far!
Sleep: I am waking up at least 2-3 times a night to run to the bathroom. I have not slept in a long time!
Best moment this week: Finally getting the nursery finished!
Movement: She is still moving around in there but she is a lot slower than usual.
Food cravings: Nothing really… I am pretty obsessed with apple juice lately.
Gender: It’s A GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: Having contractions throughout the day but nothing major yet… We are hoping she will give us one more week before she decides to come, we are wanting to be full term first!
Belly button in or out? There are days it is in and days where it is flat.
What I miss: Fitting into my skinny jeans. I think I have finally hit the depression stage of this pregnancy. I am so ready to have her so I can finally get back to normal.
What I am looking forward to: My doctors appointment this Thursday, the 3rd. I am really hoping that she will schedule an ultrasound so we can find out how big our little girl has gotten and roughly how big she will be when she gets here.
Milestones: Only one more week and I will be FULL TERM!!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Nursery Progress
Ever since we moved to VA, I have been going crazy trying to get everything set up in the nursery for when little miss Carolina decides to join us!
I must say that I am in love with her crib bedding. I made everything myself so I am pretty proud of myself for how it has turned out so far. I am still working on the crib bumper but I know it is going to look perfect in there!
The letters I plan on hanging over her bed are laying her crib, I am just waiting to hang them. Also the blanket to the right is a blanket I made for her car seat. he blanket hanging on the front of the crib is a quilt I made to match her bedding, it is so cute!!
We are installing the car seat tomorrow so I promise to get some more pictures posted once that is put together!
I have some letters that I need to get hung up in her room to go over her crib but I am needing to get a curtain rod first. I also need to add the curtains in her room, which I have yet to do! I will be sure to post pictures of those once they are up as well!
This is the glider that my great mother gave me that has been in the family for like 30 years. I am in the process of reupholstering it. I currently have the back piece done but now I am working on the bottom cushion. I am so excited to see it when it is done! There is also a little end table next to the glider that my great great grandmother gave my mother when she was younger , it has been in the family for over 70 years! Also as you can tell I have my hospital bag, boppy pillow and accessories ready to go to the hospital for our little girl to make her big arrival!
I just hung up the wire hanger today and I love it! More info on it below...
This is the picture frame I had found awhile ago. It was black but I decided to paint it a turquoise blue (I know this picture makes it look darker) and I put her initials as a monogram in the middle. I LOVE IT!
This is a wire hanger I found at Ikea the other day when Nathan and I had lunch with his cousin and wife. They are also expecting a little girl, only a month behind me on the due date! I am so excited how this turned out. it is perfect for hanger all of her headbands so they aren't taking up so much room else where in the nursery, but I need a LOT more clips for the rest of her headbands to go up. I am thinking of hanging another underneath it as well so I can hang all of her little hats and bibs up too.
I just hung up the wire hanger today and I love it! More info on it below...
This is the picture frame I had found awhile ago. It was black but I decided to paint it a turquoise blue (I know this picture makes it look darker) and I put her initials as a monogram in the middle. I LOVE IT!
This is a wire hanger I found at Ikea the other day when Nathan and I had lunch with his cousin and wife. They are also expecting a little girl, only a month behind me on the due date! I am so excited how this turned out. it is perfect for hanger all of her headbands so they aren't taking up so much room else where in the nursery, but I need a LOT more clips for the rest of her headbands to go up. I am thinking of hanging another underneath it as well so I can hang all of her little hats and bibs up too.

There aren't many diapers up there due to the fact that I decided to go with cloth diapers. I do have a few boxes of disposables but I am gonna give the cloth a try!
All of her clothes organized by size and even by what type they are. (like onesies, sleepers, etc...) I got this shelf from Lowes and I love how perfect it goes in her closet, it is so cute in there with the bins. They are full of blankets, socks, shoes, toys, diapers, and even little bloomers and leggings for her to wear! ;)
Pardon all of the horrible looking pictures that are all dark and splotchy. It is 9pm and the flash on my phone just washes it out even more. I promise to post more and better pictures when we are totally done.
Have a WONDERFUL New Years everyone!!!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
35 Weeks, 3 Days!
Today I am 35 weeks, 3 days pregnant!
I can't believe in 32 days or sooner I will FINALLY be a mommy!!
How far along? 35 weeks, 3 days alongTotal weight gain/loss: I am about +40 lbs but I am determined to lose ALL of it and MORE once she is out!
Maternity clothes? I am wearing my maternity jeans and loving them.
Stretch marks? Just the few that I had before that are getting a tad darker... I have been soaking myself in Bio-Oil!!
Sleep: All bad nights lately. It is completely impossible to get comfortable to get any decent sleep!
Best moment this week: Finally getting all of Carolina's clothes washed and put up. I am slowly but surely getting the nursery together. I am determined to have it done before she gets here!
Movement: The punches, jabs, and kicks are a LOT stronger now, I think she is getting pretty cramped in there!
Food cravings: I really haven’t had any cravings other than sushi, which I can't have!
Gender: It’s A GIRL!! Carolina Dawn and I can’t wait to hold and kiss her.
Labor Signs: At least 1 more week before anything big happens. I am thinking she is going to come a little early though. Still having Braxton Hicks daily and they just keep getting worse, along with the lower stomach and vaginal pressure.
Belly button in or out? FLAT, I don't think it is going to pop!
What I miss: Feeling normal and not hurting 24/7:(
What I am looking forward to: My doctors appointment coming up, I can't wait to see our little girl again!
Milestones: Carolina’s hospital bag and diaper bag are packed and ready to go, now I just need to get me packed.
This past Monday, Christmas Eve I had a little spill at Walmart. Of course it was raining out and Nathan and I had to make a run by Walmart to pick up a few things for Christmas dinner. On the way in the front door, the floor was soaking wet and of course no one cleans up. I slipped on the way in and took a little spill. Now I have been having some stomach pressure along with increased contractions that are a lot stronger than normal. If the contractions and pressure don't ease up, I will most likely be going to the hospital in the morning to get checked out. I will be sure to keep everyone updated if anything happens!
Monday, December 17, 2012
34 Weeks!
How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I am +32 lbs since pre-pregnancy! I plan on ALL of this weight, plus some, being gone the minute this baby comes out!
Maternity clothes? All maternity jeans and mainly sweaters since it is getting cold out.
Stretch marks? I have 2 so far and they were old stretch marks that have just gotten a little darker.
Sleep: I haven't slept in god knows how long... I wake up at least 3-4 times every night to use the restroom.
Best moment this week: Finally getting the dresser, mattress and other little things for the nursery. The only thing left is curtains and other little knick knacks here and there.
Movement: Some days she is pretty quiet and then some days she is doing cartwheels in there.
Food cravings: Nothing... I have still been drinking TONS of water to keep from swelling so bad.
Labor Signs: Only those wonderful Braxton Hicks so far, with some vaginal pressure. I am hoping things start to progress before too long though.
Belly button in or out? Still in, but by the end of the day it is pretty flat.
What I miss: Being able to move and not feel miserable from hurting so bad.
What I am looking forward to: My first OB appointment since we have moved to VA. This Thursday, the 20th we finally get to see and her our little girl again. It has been so long since we have been able to see her sweet little face! I am also really hoping that we will find out a rough estimate of how big she is in there.
Milestones: 34 weeks today!!! Only 43 days or less before we meet our little girl, I can't wait!!
Total weight gain/loss: I am +32 lbs since pre-pregnancy! I plan on ALL of this weight, plus some, being gone the minute this baby comes out!
Maternity clothes? All maternity jeans and mainly sweaters since it is getting cold out.
Stretch marks? I have 2 so far and they were old stretch marks that have just gotten a little darker.
Sleep: I haven't slept in god knows how long... I wake up at least 3-4 times every night to use the restroom.
Best moment this week: Finally getting the dresser, mattress and other little things for the nursery. The only thing left is curtains and other little knick knacks here and there.
Movement: Some days she is pretty quiet and then some days she is doing cartwheels in there.
Food cravings: Nothing... I have still been drinking TONS of water to keep from swelling so bad.
Labor Signs: Only those wonderful Braxton Hicks so far, with some vaginal pressure. I am hoping things start to progress before too long though.
Belly button in or out? Still in, but by the end of the day it is pretty flat.
What I miss: Being able to move and not feel miserable from hurting so bad.
What I am looking forward to: My first OB appointment since we have moved to VA. This Thursday, the 20th we finally get to see and her our little girl again. It has been so long since we have been able to see her sweet little face! I am also really hoping that we will find out a rough estimate of how big she is in there.
Milestones: 34 weeks today!!! Only 43 days or less before we meet our little girl, I can't wait!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
33 Weeks!
How far along? 33 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: I think I am like +30-35lbs since pre-pregnancy! I plan on ALL of this weight, plus some, being gone the minute this baby comes out!
Maternity clothes? Maternity jeans and some tops.
Stretch marks? I have a couple old ones that have started to get a tad darker lately. I have been bathing myself in belly butter and Bio Oil daily.
Sleep: I have not had any normal sleep in a long time!! Last night I even woke up soaking wet from sweating and was having the worst contractions.
Best moment this week: Nathan and I picking out our very first Christmas tree together, since he was deployed last Christmas!
Movement: I am still pretty scared that her night and days are all messed up... I am praying she will get back on a normal schedule once she gets here.
Food cravings: Nothing... I have been drinking tons of water, trying to keep from swelling so bad.
Gender: GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: Still having terrible Braxton Hicks and the pressure down there, just keeps getting worse and worse!
Belly button in or out? Still in, but it has gotten a lot flatter lately.
What I miss: Being able to jump up and go, it takes me forever to get up and go now!
What I am looking forward to: Hoping that we will have an appointment set up this week so we can maybe see our little girl, it has been so long since we have been able to see her!
Milestones: 33 WEEKS!!! That means ONLY 49 DAYS TO GO until we meet out beautiful little girl!!
I promise I will be posting some pictures soon so everyone can see the progress of the baby belly and also I will get a post up about the house!
Total weight gain/loss: I think I am like +30-35lbs since pre-pregnancy! I plan on ALL of this weight, plus some, being gone the minute this baby comes out!
Maternity clothes? Maternity jeans and some tops.
Stretch marks? I have a couple old ones that have started to get a tad darker lately. I have been bathing myself in belly butter and Bio Oil daily.
Sleep: I have not had any normal sleep in a long time!! Last night I even woke up soaking wet from sweating and was having the worst contractions.
Best moment this week: Nathan and I picking out our very first Christmas tree together, since he was deployed last Christmas!
Movement: I am still pretty scared that her night and days are all messed up... I am praying she will get back on a normal schedule once she gets here.
Food cravings: Nothing... I have been drinking tons of water, trying to keep from swelling so bad.
Gender: GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: Still having terrible Braxton Hicks and the pressure down there, just keeps getting worse and worse!
Belly button in or out? Still in, but it has gotten a lot flatter lately.
What I miss: Being able to jump up and go, it takes me forever to get up and go now!
What I am looking forward to: Hoping that we will have an appointment set up this week so we can maybe see our little girl, it has been so long since we have been able to see her!
Milestones: 33 WEEKS!!! That means ONLY 49 DAYS TO GO until we meet out beautiful little girl!!
I promise I will be posting some pictures soon so everyone can see the progress of the baby belly and also I will get a post up about the house!
Friday, December 7, 2012
20 Questions about the Holidays!
1. Eggnog or hot chocolate? Eggnog YUCK… I love hot chocolate!! I love cold winter nights where
you can bundle up in blankets and watch movies on the couch with a nice cup of hot chocolate.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree? When I was growing up Santa would wrap EVERYTHING!! My parents made their own tradition of having us open all of our presents up Christmas Eve night because we would always go see family Christmas morning and we would never be able to play with our toys. Nathan and I will most likely end up doing the same tradition with our little girl.
3. Colored lights or white? WHITE
4. Do you hang mistletoe? No, but it would be really cute hanging in a door way!
5. When do you decorate for Christmas? When I was younger, my mom would always decorate for Christmas the saturday after Thanksgiving. This year was the first year I was able to spend Thanksgiving with Nathan but we were in the process of moving so we didn't have a chance to decorate. We are actually getting a tree tonight, so hopefully by next weekend the house will be all decorated.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish, excluding dessert? My nana's chicken pastry.
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? Probably spending Christmas lunch with all of my family at the community building.
8. When and how, did you learn the truth about Santa? Over the years, I think I just figured out that santa wasn't real... But, I do want our little girl to believe in santa.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? I LOVE our christmas tree, my mom got me into the whole Red, White and Silver theme!
11. Snow. Love it or hate it? LOVE IT – I don’t care to drive in it but I do love how pretty it is, especially right after it snows. I LOVE the snow, I HATE the cold!
12. Can you ice skate? I sure can, it's been a long time but I LOVE to skate!
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Even though it wasn't Christmas when we found out, I would say that Carolina is my favorite gift. I feel so incredibly blessed to be having such a beautiful little girl!
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays to you? Being able to spend time with family and friends.
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? Dessert? Definitely my mom's banana pie, chocolate pie or my famous carrot cake.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? I am not even sure on this one. I don’t remember to many traditions from childhood but I want to start many new ones with Carolina.
17. What tops your tree? A star!
18. Which do you prefer, giving or receiving? Giving just gives me a warm feeling inside. Even though I do enjoy receiving as well:)
19. What is your favorite Christmas song? I actually have two. "I'll be home for christmas", and "Have yourself a merry little christmas".
20. Candy canes. Yuck or yum? I LOVE them!!
32 Weeks, 4 Days!
How far along? 32 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: I have actually lost 8 lbs in the past week due to now having stairs in our new home! I still think I am like +30-35lbs since pre-pregnancy! Believe me, this weight will be GONE right after this baby gets here!
Maternity clothes? MOST DAYS… Mainly I wear leggings, boots and cute tops due with my pea coat due to it getting cold out now!
Stretch marks? I have a couple old ones that have started to get a tad darker lately. I am praying they don't get any worse. I have been bathing myself in belly butter and Bio Oil daily.
Sleep: I have never had this bad of sleep in my entire life. I have to get up at least 2-3 times EVERY night due to this little girl kicking or having to use the rest room.
Best moment this week: Working on Carolina's nursery and finally getting everything together. I think we are pretty much ready for her. Now all we have to do is get registered at the hospital for L&D and then to find a good pediatrician to pre-register for Carolina.
Movement: I am really scared that her night and days are really messed up... It seems that she has really slowed down during the day but in the middle of the night she will wake me up because she is moving so much.
Food cravings: Nothing... Half the time I feel I have to make myself eat because I'm not hungry due to being so busy around the house!
Gender: Still GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: Nothing besides the wonderful Braxton Hicks and some horrible pressure down there!!
Belly button in or out? Still in, I really don't think it will end up popping!
What I miss: Feeling like myself. I feel so emotional and worn out 24/7!
What I am looking forward to: Hoping to get a doctor appointment set up asap since we've moved, I am dying to see our little girl again!
Milestones: Almost 33 WEEKS!!! That means ONLY 49 DAYS TO GO until we meet out beautiful little girl!!
I know it has been a LONG time since I posted any pictures but I promise I will be posting some soon so everyone can see the progress of the baby belly!!
Total weight gain/loss: I have actually lost 8 lbs in the past week due to now having stairs in our new home! I still think I am like +30-35lbs since pre-pregnancy! Believe me, this weight will be GONE right after this baby gets here!
Maternity clothes? MOST DAYS… Mainly I wear leggings, boots and cute tops due with my pea coat due to it getting cold out now!
Stretch marks? I have a couple old ones that have started to get a tad darker lately. I am praying they don't get any worse. I have been bathing myself in belly butter and Bio Oil daily.
Sleep: I have never had this bad of sleep in my entire life. I have to get up at least 2-3 times EVERY night due to this little girl kicking or having to use the rest room.
Best moment this week: Working on Carolina's nursery and finally getting everything together. I think we are pretty much ready for her. Now all we have to do is get registered at the hospital for L&D and then to find a good pediatrician to pre-register for Carolina.
Movement: I am really scared that her night and days are really messed up... It seems that she has really slowed down during the day but in the middle of the night she will wake me up because she is moving so much.
Food cravings: Nothing... Half the time I feel I have to make myself eat because I'm not hungry due to being so busy around the house!
Gender: Still GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: Nothing besides the wonderful Braxton Hicks and some horrible pressure down there!!
Belly button in or out? Still in, I really don't think it will end up popping!
What I miss: Feeling like myself. I feel so emotional and worn out 24/7!
What I am looking forward to: Hoping to get a doctor appointment set up asap since we've moved, I am dying to see our little girl again!
Milestones: Almost 33 WEEKS!!! That means ONLY 49 DAYS TO GO until we meet out beautiful little girl!!
I know it has been a LONG time since I posted any pictures but I promise I will be posting some soon so everyone can see the progress of the baby belly!!
Big Change!
Wow!! There has been so much that has happened since the last time I blogged.
The biggest change is that we moved to Virginia. I must say that I am 100% happy with this move. I will admit that we do miss North Carolina very much though.
Another BIG change for us is that Nathan is not on normal working hours anymore, he is currently on night shift which is driving me crazy.
We moved Saturday, December 1st to a gorgeous little town home located in Fredericksburg/South Stafford. The area here is really nice, except for being like right next to 95.
All shopping is literally within maybe 5-10 minutes away from us, so no more 30-40 minute drives to Walmart!
Since we have been in Virginia it has been total non-stop. We have been running around like crazy trying to get the house straightened out and unpacked. I have been working every day in the nursery, trying to get everything put away and perfect for when our little girl gets here.
I promise I will be posting TONS of pictures once we are finished with everything!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
About to Pop!!
Thursday, October 25th Nathan and I had our maternity session with My Amelia Photography. We had so much fun in down town Swansboro around the water front and some of the neighboring buildings. The pictures came out amazing. Here is a sneak peak of the session.
If you click on the button below it will take you to her website. If you live in the Jacksonville area and looking for a wonderful photographer this is definitely the girl to bring it. I have been so pleased with this session. I can't wait to have Carolina Dawn's newborn pictures taken!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
29 weeks!
How far along? 29 weeks, I know I keep getting majorly behind on posts but I currently do not have access to internet unless I go somewhere with wifi.
Total weight gain/loss: I'm actually not sure how much, I tend to forget about weighing myself due to dreading what it will say.
Maternity clothes? I have become pretty obsessed with jeggings, sweaters and boots lately.
Stretch marks? NONE, still to date! Although I am getting that dark line down the middle of my stomach:(
Sleep: Sleep is non-existant lately.
Best moment this week: My husband visiting from VA!
Have you told family and friends: Yep, a long time ago!
Miss Anything? Nope not right now, I finally got my husband back for 10 days!!
Movement: Little miss Carolina is definitely a little gymnast in there. I think the only thing that makes her stop is Nathan touching my belly!
Food cravings: Not really any food cravings, just LOVE Starbuck's White Chocolate Mocha!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing lately.
Have you started to show yet: Yep, definitely have the baby belly now!
Labor Signs: I am still having Braxton Hicks and some days it gets so terrible I can't wait for her little butt to get out of there. I am dreading going into real labor!!
Belly Button in or out? Still in, and praying it stays in!!
Wedding rings on or off? Some days I can wear them and some days I can't due to swelling.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, but I think hormones get the best of me at times.
Looking forward to: Moving to VA in the next few weeks to finally be with my husband and start our new lives together! Although I am NOT looking forward to my appt tomorrow morning, glucose test here we come!!
Milestones: Good bye Baby Moon, hello baby girl!! We are FINALLY out of the second trimester and into the third. Our little girl will be here in just a few short months!!
Monday, October 22, 2012
26 Weeks!
How far along? 26 weeks, I know I have been behind on posts but I promise I will try and keep it up to date now!
Total weight gain/loss: I am up 12lbs since pre-pregnancy.
Maternity clothes? I am mainly wearing leggings, tunic tops, cardigans and boots!
Stretch marks? NONE, still to date!
Sleep: Sleep is non-existant lately.
Best moment this week: My husband finally checking out of his unit. Virginia, here we come!!
Have you told family and friends: Yep, a long time ago!
Miss Anything? Nope not right now, I finally got my husband back... Well at least for a week until he moves to VA.
Movement: Little miss Carolina is definitely a little acrobat. Little miss thang kicks me like crazy, 24/7!
Food cravings: Not really any food cravings lately, just been trying to eat LOTS of veggies and fruits!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing lately.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely more than a wee little bump!
Labor Signs: According to the doctor I am already starting to have Braxton Hicks contractions, so I'm definitely not looking forward to labor.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, for now.
Wedding rings on or off? Some days I can wear them and some days I can't due to swelling.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, but occasionally feel a tad depressed from all of these hormones.
Looking forward to: Moving to VA in the next few weeks to finally be with my husband and start our new lives together!
Milestones: Good bye Baby Moon, hello baby girl!! We are almost out of the second trimester and into the Third, I am getting so excited about meeting our little girl!!
Monday, October 8, 2012
24 Weeks!
Sorry it has been ages since I have updated. I have been staying with my mother while my husband is getting ready for his journey to VA in the next few weeks. I do not have a laptop at my mothers so unfortunately I am unable to update every week like I have been doing. I promise that I will try my hardest to start updating more or whenever I can!
How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I have been unable to check my weight lately due to staying with my mother and unfortunately she doesn't have a scale.
Maternity clothes? Thankfully now that it is finally getting cold out, I am mainly wearing leggings with boots and sweaters.
Stretch marks? NONE, today!
Sleep: I haven't slept in FOREVER!!
Best moment this week: Finally finding the PERFECT picture frame to go over her bed and a lamp to go on her dresser. I'm so excited to start working on her nursery when we get to VA.
Have you told family and friends: Yep, a long time ago!
Miss Anything? I am actually having my Starbucks fix today so the only thing I have been missing lately is SLEEP!!!
Movement: Our little girl has been moving and kicking NON-STOP, we are even seeing my stomach moving while she is kicking. It looks like I have an alien trying to bust out of my stomach.
Food cravings: I am still an orange juice craver but I have been really craving salad and fried rice from my favorite sushi restaurant, FUJI!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of a cigarette and also not eating as soon as I get up in the morning.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely showing more than just a little bump now!
Labor Signs: Nope, and praying not any time soon. I am still dreading the day I do...
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but it is definitely starting to pop up a little.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on so far but my hands are starting to swell now.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, but occasionally feel a tad depressed from all of these hormones.
Looking forward to: Moving to VA and finally starting our lives together with our little family.
Milestones: Only 16 weeks to go!!
Monday, September 24, 2012
21 Weeks!
How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 1 lb this week, +8 lbs since pre-pregnancy.
Maternity clothes? I am still able to wear my normal jeans with my BeBand but I'm having to start to wear maternity tops now.
Stretch marks? None!
Sleep: It's been horrible.
Best moment this week: not sure yet.
Have you told family and friends: Yep, a long time ago!
Miss Anything? I am missing my husband.
Food cravings: Fruits and veggies.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I know it sounds weird but for some reason smelling pepper is the only thing that makes me feel so nauseous.
Have you started to show yet: The bump is getting bigger!!
Gender: PINK!! PINK!! PINK!!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? IN
Wedding rings on or off? ON, but occasionally check them when it's hot out because my hands are starting to swell a little.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy!
Looking forward to: Seeing our little girl and being able to get some pictures!
Milestones: Not too much longer to go!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
20 Weeks!
How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 1 lb this week, +7 lbs since pre-pregnancy.
Maternity clothes? I am still mainly wearing my normal clothes other than a few maternity tops I have.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: It's been on and off all week.
Best moment this week: Even though we can't set up the nursery quite yet, we are getting the perfect little goodies to start it once we get to VA.
Have you told family and friends: Yep, a long time ago!
Miss Anything? I am still missing coffee so much and now that Starbucks has their Pumpkin Spice back, I'm dying!!
Movement: Our little girl is moving so much through out the day!
Food cravings: All week I could eat waffles or pancakes every day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I know it sounds weird but for some reason smelling pepper makes me feel so nauseous.
Have you started to show yet: That little bump that I had is now starting to look like an actual baby bump!
Gender: GIRL!! GIRL!! GIRL!!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? IN
Wedding rings on or off? ON, but occasionally check them when it's hot out because my hands are starting to swell a little.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, but that depends on if I'm cramping really bad or not.
Looking forward to: Monday... I have an appointment and ultrasound scheduled. I can't wait to see our little girl and to get some pictures!
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