Sorry I need to vent a little bit.
If you are friends with me in real life and read facebook you already know. We got orders out of completely nowhere and we PCS in August. This scares the day lights out of me. We never expected to get any orders because Nathan just got home from his last deployment in February and has now been recently checked into a new unit. The next deployment wasn't supposed to be up until around January/February time frame of next year.
I have known the entire time that this would some day happen to were we would have to PCS to somewhere new but I just wasn't expected right now.
I AM SCARED TO DEATH! I am honestly not happy about this.
I guess I am scared because it couldn't have come at any worse of a time.
Nathan and I were just talking about buying a house or having one built, and most of all, we are trying to have a baby. It scares me so much that now we are having to push all of our plans back by almost 3 years because that's how long he has left in the Marines (I hate stupid 5 year contracts).
Fortunately on a good note, Nathan will be PMO at our new duty station and that's what he joined the military for, so he is going to enjoy his job.
I on the other hand, I have started my own photography business and that has become very successful for me. No it is not a 9-5 job but it's my job, I do bring some income into our household to pay bills and to help with necessities.
Right now we are only about 1 1/2 - 2 hours away form my family and we are about 12 - 14 hours away from his family. It scares me that I am leaving my family because they are always there when I need them and it is so nice only living a few hours away, especially when something goes wrong or an emergency happens, now we will be about 4 - 5 hours away from my family.
The main thing I am worried about is moving. Moving out of our house that we have made a home over the past year. Having to into a new home that I know absolutely no one, nothing about the neighborhood or anything. I am worried the most about affording/renting a nice house for us. We have a small dog and not every one allows pets in their homes and I refuse to get rid of my pet just because someone doesn't allow them. I also have a horse that I board at a stables here in NC, only about 20 minutes form my house. Now I am going to have to find a stables to board him there because no rental property is going to allow a horse on their land.
I am already STRESSED TO THE MAX about all of this. Everyone is telling me I should enjoy it because I will get to meet other wives and families in the process but I hate to leave all of my friends and family here. I am just worried about the fact that I am not sure how it is going to turn out for us. I'm just hoping it blows over like everything else and we get through this like usual.
Thanks and sorry I needed this off my chest.