It is absolutely amazing how much you learn about someone you are married to, and it is also amazing how much you can not learn from someone no matter how much you sit next to them on the couch every day, or eat dinner with them, or talk to them, or sleep in the same bed as them.
What I am trying to say is that you can spend all the time in the world with someone and still know nothing about them. With that being said it is imperative that you make a constant and ferocious effort to keep learning more about your life partner. If you're not growing closer and learning more about them, then you are going to grow farther away.
Brandie and I have had our issues but we have recently realized how much we were growing apart. But now we are growing so much closer to each other! Our lives are filled with more joy than when we first met and I am so happy that I am with her. The bond holding our family together has grown so much stronger and we all love each other so much.
I didn't have a lot that I wanted to say on here, just how much I love my wife and daughter. They mean the world to me and I am so glad that they are a part of my life and I look forward to the many years I have with them. Every day is a learning experience but only if we take the lesson and learn from it.
Ill end my speech here, and go back to the noise of my hotel room in Lackland Air Force Base, Texas where the room next door is watching the football game to so loud that I thought my tv was on...
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
How the Time Flies when You're Having Fun!!
I can't believe it has already been 2 years since I married the man of my dreams. I can remember like it was yesterday, us standing on Atlantic Beach in the middle of a sand storm saying our vows. It crazy to think about all we have through in just 2 years of marriage.
For our anniversary we just decided to stick around the house for the day and watch movies since this year we had our little girl with us. I cooked us dinner and of course it was our famous soup that we are so in love with, DIY Zuppa Toscana from Olive Garden. Nathan and I tried this soup one time at Olive Garden and we have been obsessed with it ever since. Thankfully it is VERY easy to make and it takes exactly the same way as the Olive Garden version!
This year we decided to get a gift together as a couple instead of individual gifts. We are bit tight on money due to having to buy all new furniture; such as couch, chair, ottoman and etc... I must say that our gift was my favorite part, we bought a Keurig coffee maker and it is AMAZING!!! Nathan and I have really enjoyed it so far, not just the coffee but it also makes hot chocolates, apple cider, hot teas, even cold teas. I will be sure to post pictures from our big day soon!
For our anniversary we just decided to stick around the house for the day and watch movies since this year we had our little girl with us. I cooked us dinner and of course it was our famous soup that we are so in love with, DIY Zuppa Toscana from Olive Garden. Nathan and I tried this soup one time at Olive Garden and we have been obsessed with it ever since. Thankfully it is VERY easy to make and it takes exactly the same way as the Olive Garden version!
This year we decided to get a gift together as a couple instead of individual gifts. We are bit tight on money due to having to buy all new furniture; such as couch, chair, ottoman and etc... I must say that our gift was my favorite part, we bought a Keurig coffee maker and it is AMAZING!!! Nathan and I have really enjoyed it so far, not just the coffee but it also makes hot chocolates, apple cider, hot teas, even cold teas. I will be sure to post pictures from our big day soon!
This is definitely my all time favorite anniversary gift so far. We both use this thing EVERY day since we bought it. Coffee, tea, and the hot chocolate is by far my favorite. Maybe next year we will be able to get each other something!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Our Sweet Pea is 2 Months Old and Dr update
Today miss Carolina is 2 months old. I can’t believe you are already 2 months old. The months are going by so fast and you are learning new things and changing everyday. I can't believe how much you have already grown and changed in just 2 months from the day you were born.
You just LOVE bath time now. you will sit in the bath and just splash around and smile the whole time. You start to get fussy when we turn the water off to take you out. You have started to like tummy time a little more but you still get a little frustrated when you try to roll over and can't quite yet. We are thinking you will be rolling over any time now.
You just LOVE bath time now. you will sit in the bath and just splash around and smile the whole time. You start to get fussy when we turn the water off to take you out. You have started to like tummy time a little more but you still get a little frustrated when you try to roll over and can't quite yet. We are thinking you will be rolling over any time now.
Well this isn't exactly a new thing we have done but it is definitely new in the Penn house hold. Our little girl has already started TEETHING!!! We have also made a few trips to NC to visit family and you do so great in the car, you sleep the entire 3 hours we are driving. We finally got to visit grandpa at his house and you did so good, even though we were in a new place. We plan on going on an all day shopping trip with you soon to the big mall in Potomac Mills, hopefully that trip turns out good! Today my you had your first bottle of oatmeal (mixed with breast milk) and you did WONDERFUL, you LOVED it!!
We have found out that you absolutely HATE the dark, as soon as the light goes out you start to scream. We have to put one of our phones in your car seat at night or you scream the whole time. We have been trying to find a little night light to put in there for you but have yet to have any luck. You still are not a fan of being passed around to everyone. You are all happy and smiling at first but then you get really fussy for awhile afterwards.
Since the time change you have changed your schedule dramatically and it is killing mommy. You are still taking several long naps during the day and you usually don't want to go to sleep until around 9-10pm. Well then you get into this fussy stage where you wake up around 12-1am and refuse to go back to sleep. You fight your sleep for about an hour or so and then you pass out for usually 4-6 hours where you wake up to eat and you go right back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. We have tried EVERYTHING to keep you up during the day and you just aren't going to have it. We are wanting to start you in your own room but it seems like if you aren't sleeping in our arms or in your Rock'n Play then you wake up as soon as we lay you down. In the morning you are a VERY happy little girl, you lay there just smiling away.
You are a wonderful eater! I am able to pump a lot so we can give you bottles as well. You normally take around 3oz every 2-3 hours and at night we usually give you 4oz bottle and you LOVE it. We have not tried you on cereal yet but we have a feeling the doctor will mention it soon.
Size 1, they are still a little big yet but the newborns are too small. I guess we are in-between right now.
You are mostly wearing 0-3 months that are long enough and even some of your 3 months clothes that are shorter. You are getting so tall and finding clothes long enough but that still fit you is getting hard.
You weight exactly 12lbs , still 23in long and a head circumference of 36.5cm
You LOVE to SMILE... Also you like being in front of a camera, I am guessing you think taking pictures is a normal daily activity since I have only taken about million pictures since you have come home.
You like for us to talk to you and you talk right back with us. You just love hearing yourself talk and you giggle at every little noise you make.
You suck on your fingers, burp clothes, and bib (really anything that you can get to your mouth).
You really enjoy car rides as long as we are moving, you don’t like it when we stop.
You still like to look at lights and they seem to calm you down a little when your fussy.
You follows us with your eyes if we are near you or if you hear our voices.
You have found your hands and like to watch them move around. You have also found your feet but you are still not sure about them.
You still LOVE bath time and you like to splash the water around. You get a little mad when we take you out.
You have a baby doll that grandma got you and you just stare at it, you aren't too sure about it yet.
You sat you in your Bumbo seat for the first time the other day but you are not totally sure about it.
You still LOVE sitting in your Flower swing and you have even found the mirror above you and you stare at yourself and smile all day long!
Your eyes are still the prettiest dark blue color but they are starting to lighten up a lot. They are dark blue on the edges and light blue in the middle.
Your hair is still a little dark but it's getting lighter by the day and your hair is finally starting to grow back in on top.
You also have a stork bite (birth mark) on the back on your head that is bright red and gets even redder when you get mad.
Little miss had a her 2 month check up today at 3:00pm and her appointment went great other than those horrible shots. The doctor checked her hips and they are still looking wonderful. Her sinus issues that we had a concern with is normal and hopefully a little nasal saline and an aspirator bulb will help. Also her sensitive skin is pretty much something we have to deal with... Unfortunately Nathan and I both have sensitive skin as well so she is pretty much getting a double whammy. Our little girl is in perfect health and her doctor is very pleased with her.
Carolina is currently weighting exactly 12lbs, 23in long and her head circumference of 36.5cm... She had to get 2 shots and 1 oral vaccine, she did so good with her oral vaccine and drank it right down. The first shot wasn't so bad but the second one she cried over. The nurse said the medicine in the second shot stings a little so she didn't like that one at all, but mommy came to the rescue with some milk so everything was all better! My little angel is getting so big. I can't believe that she is already 2 months old, time is flying by way too fast!!
Also the doctor gave the go ahead to start on a little oatmeal. Grandma and me headed to Target after Carolina's appt and we got some bowls, spoons and some oatmeal. We decided to try it in a bottle for her first time and she did so good. She drank down an once of oatmeal (mixed with breast milk) and then we gave her an once of just breast milk so she could wash the oatmeal down good. Carolina did so good with the oatmeal and she drank it right down with no problem. We are going to try a little more in the morning for breakfast as well and hopefully she does just as good. I will post in the morning after her breakfast to let everyone know how she did!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Can We Catch a Break?!
Well I guess we just need to cut up Nathan's license and never let him drive again. On March 6th we had a TERRIBLE snow, I mean like 8in over night. Even though base closes during a bad snow, Nathan's job requires him to work regardless of the weather. He was on his way to work at about 3:30am and some idiot decided to swerve in front on him and in the process of trying to move out of the way, the vehicle spun and ended up hitting a guard rail. Nathan was not hurt but we did decide to take him to the hospital just incase. He ended up with some cervical neck strain and a little soreness but other than that they prescribed some pain meds, and a muscle relaxer. Everything was all better after some pain meds and a little rest for a couple of days. Now our vehicle on the other hand... Oh, did I forget to mention, our ONLY vehicle for transportation is completely totaled! He ended up hitting the front passenger side first and then the vehicle spun around and hit the back side as well. The insurance totaled our car because the suspension and axel was completely thrown off. Now we are having to go to NC this weekend hopefully be able to find a new car. I hate that we have only had our car for a year (that we had to find after wrecking our jeep) and now we are back to having to find a new car because we are without a vehicle.
I will post a picture of the car after the accident to show how bad it was. I will also post more once we find a new vehicle and get everything straightened out. I will try and post a picture of the new car as well!
Friday, February 22, 2013
Miss Carolina - One Month Old and Dr Update
I know I have said it hundred times and I will probably say it a million more but it is crazy to think how something so small can change your life so much. It is so hard to believe that Carolina is already a month old. I honestly don’t even remember life without her being around. She is a pure joy to have around and she is the sweetest little girl.
Carolina really enjoys riding in the car and always falls asleep the second the car starts moving. She still loves her flower swing and she just loves sleeping on mommy's chest at night. She is also starting to love bath time now. She will sit in her flower bath the whole time and smile while you get her all soaped up but she gets fussy when we start to rinse her off. I think she realizes she is about to get out. Our little girl also LOVES for you to rub her feet, she smiles and giggles when you play with her little toes, it is so adorable!
To be so tiny she is doing BIG things. She is already holding her head up so good along with pushing up on her arms and is even starting to roll over, she is getting so good at it. This week we have been practicing our OOOO’s and she is super cute doing it. She laughs at everybody and loves to smile all the time. We also took a trip to NC this past Sunday - Tuesday so family can finally meet her, she did amazing in the car and slept the whole time there and back.
Carolina also does not like to be left alone, it seems like she knows when you walk away from her, even when she is sleeping. We have also found out that you do not like getting passed around and around. You become very fussy and then it takes forever to settle you down.
She is finally getting in a better pattern. I am still having to sleep down stairs on the couch with her but she is doing wonderful and even sleeping up to 4-5 hours at a time at night. She usually goes to bed around 9 or 10pm and wakes up around 12 or 1am for a feeding and then she is back to bed till around 4 or 5. We usually have another feeding and then stay up for maybe 30 minutes or so before we head back to bead till about 8 or 9am or occasionally 11-12am. I am so proud of her! She LOVES sleeping on someone, as soon as you lay her down, she wakes up!
She is still doing great with breast feeding. She is still eating every 2 hours and is now up to about 3 or 4oz. As you can see in the picture, our little squirt is starting to act growny... Whenever I pump and Nathan or my mother give her a bottle she is wanting to hold her own bottle up!
Still wearing newborns, her little butt gets swallowed when we put on a size 1. We are hoping to switch her to size 1 soon so we don't have to buy anymore newborns.
She is still wearing some newborns here and there but we are starting to get a little too long for them so we are having to start to wear some 3 months that are a little small. Some 3 months are a bit too big and they swallow her but most of her 0-3 months fit perfect.
She weighs 9 pounds 13 ounces
Dr update... At Carolina's one month check up, her doctor was very proud of her progress. She is in prefect health. Carolina is currently in the 80% percentile for her height, 65% percentile for her weight and 20% percentile for her head circumference. Our little girl had to get her second HepB shot and I must say she did not enjoy it too much. Unfortunately she did not take it like a big girl like she did when she was born, our poor thing cried bloody murder. I am so thankful Nathan was there because it broke my heart hearing her scream from getting a shot.
and measured 23 inches long
her head circumference was 14.2 inches (36 cm).
Your hair is finally starting to lighten up a little and I am praying it is going to be blonde, it is also starting to get a tad curly around your neck.
You currently have the most prettiest dark blue eyes that are really light blue in the middle and I'm hoping that they will stay that way.
You are getting very alert on what is going on around you and you are always looking around at everything.
You are holding your head up very well to be so little.
You love to blow bubbles and to stick your little tongue out.
You have found your voice and you like for everyone to hear it. You are constantly grunting and making little squealing noises at everyone.
You love smiling at mommy and daddy when we talk to you.
You are getting very alert on what is going on around you and you are always looking around at everything.
You are holding your head up very well to be so little.
You love to blow bubbles and to stick your little tongue out.
You have found your voice and you like for everyone to hear it. You are constantly grunting and making little squealing noises at everyone.
You love smiling at mommy and daddy when we talk to you.
Mommy and Daddy love to watch you grow and learn everyday and we can’t wait to see what all you are going to be up to this next month. You are the light of our life's.
Dr update... At Carolina's one month check up, her doctor was very proud of her progress. She is in prefect health. Carolina is currently in the 80% percentile for her height, 65% percentile for her weight and 20% percentile for her head circumference. Our little girl had to get her second HepB shot and I must say she did not enjoy it too much. Unfortunately she did not take it like a big girl like she did when she was born, our poor thing cried bloody murder. I am so thankful Nathan was there because it broke my heart hearing her scream from getting a shot.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
3 Weeks and 5 Days
Carolina is changing and growing everyday. She doesn’t even look like the baby we brought home from the hospital. She is learning to do new things and her personality is coming out drastically.
She is such a total sweetheart!
She is still LOVING her flower swing and she has finally beginning to like tummy time. She has become very vocal, and it seems like she loves hearing herself.
I will post a picture of her doing tummy time soon.
I will post a picture of her doing tummy time soon.
We have finally started bath time and also we had our first family dinner outing and our little girl did amazing. Carolina is doing so well during bath time, I am so proud of my little girl. She starts to get a little cranky when the water starts cooling down so we have to run more water to calm her down.
I will try and post a video if I can.
She is definitely not a fan of diaper changes, she does not like having her little butt naked. Carolina also does not like to be left alone, it seems like she knows when you walk away from her, even when she is sleeping.
Our little girl has definitely gotten a lot better about bed time, but unfortunately she will only sleep if someone is holding her or in her swing down stairs. That means no sleep for me, daddy or grandma!
She is still doing GREAT with breastfeeding. Even though this little turkey butt likes to play at times, She eats anywhere from 15-45 minutes every 2 hours, depending on if she falls asleep while feeding. Our little girl is now eating up to 4 oz when I pump and give her a bottle. Some days it feels like all she is doing is eating.
Still in newborn so far and I think we will be for awhile. Her little butt gets swallowed when we put her in a size 1.
Mostly newborns still but she can wear some of her 0-3 gowns but she looks a little lost in the regular sleepers.
As of her 2 week appointment she was exactly 8lbs. I am thinking she may be around 8lbs 4-5oz, give her a take an oz.
Mommy LOVES you VERY much Miss Carolina Dawn!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
My Pride and Joy
I know I am late again but I have good reason.
A few days after we got home from the hospital, once I started feeling better I started working with Carolina to get some Newborn photos. I must say that my little girl is the utmost pleasure to work with. She surely has made it hard for me to make a decision on which ones I want to order because they all came out so wonderful.
But here is a little peek on some of the pictures I had taken of Carolina.

I will post a few more shortly!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Two Weeks Old!
Time really fly's by when you are having fun. I can’t believe Carolina is already 2 weeks old. I don’t even remember life without her around. Nathan and I are both so in love with this little miracle. Nathan has been so much help around the house and is absolutely wonderful with Carolina.
He loves his little girl and he is the BEST daddy!
He loves his little girl and he is the BEST daddy!
This past Monday was Carolina's weight check up after her first appointment the Friday before. The doctor said she is doing wonderfully. She went from weighting 7lbs 3oz the day we left the hospital, to 7lbs 5.5oz at her first appointment Friday. At her appointment Monday she was weighting in at 7lbs 10.5oz and now at her appointment Thursday was exactly 8lbs. That means no more appointments for two weeks, she will be a month old then! Our little girl is already getting so big. There is thankfully no popping or clicking in her hips even though she was breeched for quite a while in there. Her doctor is very happy with her weight gain and her health since we left the hospital.
Breastfeeding is going GREAT… Carolina LOVES it. She has set her on schedule to every 2 hours and will eat for a good 20-30 mins. This past week she has even been taking the bottle from grandma and daddy a few times.
To be so tiny she is doing BIG things. She is already starting to hold her head up and she is also trying to roll over. Carolina laughs at daddy all the time and loves to smile at everything. She found our dog Honey Bee and my mom's dog Baby, she will sit there and watch them run around after each other. We are going to try our first big girl bath tonight since her cord has finally fallen off and healed up wonderfully.
I will post a video tonight to show the outcome, keep your fingers crossed and wish us good luck!
We LOVE our afternoon naps and most nights she is a pretty good sleeper. Last night she did amazing and slept up to 4 hours, even though she slept on mommy on the couch the whole time. Occasionally she will want to be a tad nocturnal and get mommy to stay up with her. Other than that she has been pretty great... She wakes up to be changed and eat and then she is usually right back to sleep for a couple more hours.
Carolina LOVES her flower swing… She could sit in it all day long and be the happiest little girl.
So far Tummy time is not something we quite enjoy yet. We are still working at it but it's not turning out too good so far.
We are still wearing newborn diapers and thankfully now that her cord has finally fallen off, we can start using our Charlie Banana reusable diapers!!
As of now we are wearing all newborn clothes and even some of them seem to be too big. Occasionally we will wear a 0-3 month gown but other than that, just newborns for now!
Exactly 8lbs and 22 in long!
Exactly 8lbs and 22 in long!
Carolina's First Doctor Appt.
Friday, January 25th was our little girl's very first doctors appointment. Unfortunately Nathan was made to go to work due to some stupid range he had to attend. My mother went with me to Carolina's appointment due to me not being able to drive. Once we got to the office it only took about 5 minutes and we were seen right away. The nurse was great and the doctor was even more so. They were so wonderful with Carolina. Our little girl is now weighting 7 lbs 5.5 oz, her hips checked out great even though she was breeched, and her length was good as well. Also her heart and lungs sounded wonderful, no murmurs, holes, or etc...
We have to come back Monday for a quick weight check to see if she is gaining normal weight from breast feeding. The doctor is wanting her back up to her birth weight of 7lbs 13oz by her two week appointment.
We have to come back Monday for a quick weight check to see if she is gaining normal weight from breast feeding. The doctor is wanting her back up to her birth weight of 7lbs 13oz by her two week appointment.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
A Newborn's Conversation with God
A Newborn's Conversation with God
A baby asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"
God said, "Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you."
The child further inquired, "But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy."
God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy."
Again the small child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?"
God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."
"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"
God said, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."
"Who will protect me?"
God said, "Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you."
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, "God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."
God said, "You will simply call her, "Mom."
Carolina Dawn Penn
Carolina Dawn Penn
Born on January 17th at 8:41pm
7 lbs 13 oz
Born on January 17th at 8:41pm
7 lbs 13 oz
21 1/2 inches long
Sorry for the image not being very good, we didn't get to take many pictures in the hospital due to my recovering from surgery.
More details later...
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Doctor's Update on Our Little Chunky Monkey!
Well today has been a little nerve racking... Today we got up at about 9am to get ready for our appt. at the Perinatology Center at Mary Washington at 10:30am, even though we had to be there 30 minutes early to fill out paper work. I think we ended up sitting in the waiting room for like an hour until we were called back. They called us back to check my weight and blood pressure and get a little history about my pregnancy so far since it was my first time there. After being asked a MILLION questions, we were back to the waiting room. My mother was on her way there from NC, she had been in NC visiting family for a few days prior. She got there at about 11:40-11:50 and we were finally called back for our sonogram maybe 20-30 minutes later. A nurse did the sonogram first to check on a few things before the dr. had come in to talk to us about our options. We were finally able to get a little profile picture of our little girl so I will post that shortly as well. After spending about 30 minutes or so looking at our beautiful little girl with the nurse, the dr. came in and took a look at all of the images the nurse had taken. Right away the dr. noticed that we had a little chunky monkey that is currently weighting about 8lbs 1oz, give or take a pound or so... Also he had noticed that the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck and arm and that made him a little nervous due to her moving and being able to hurt herself. Unfortunately they were not able to turn her, nor did he even suggest moving her due to all of the issues present. I am not too happy about having to have a c-section but at this point I am only thinking about my little girls safety. The high risk dr. recommended doing an amniocentesis procedure to see if her lungs are fully developed. The only thing standing in our way as of right now is talking to our regular OB about scheduling a c-section. Hopefully she is ok with doing one soon and if so then there is a high chance of scheduling the Amniocentesis for tomorrow and then the c-section for Friday and us having her by this weekend! I promise to keep family and friend's updated on what is going on and I guess my appt. tomorrow will tell us what is going to happen these next few days!
Monday, January 14, 2013
38 Weeks!
How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Same as last week
Maternity clothes? All maternity clothes these days
Stretch marks? Same as last week
Sleep: I wish I could get some sleep, I haven't slept in a long time!
Best moment this week: Getting Carolina's nursery together… I LOVE IT!!! 10 times better than what I thought it would be, I could stay in there 24/7 and be one happy camper.
Movement: Some days she is a little wild child in there and some days she is slow moving… But I still get kicks and jabbed daily and honestly I am going to miss that
Food cravings: Apple juice, water and yogurt!
Gender: We had an ultrasound this past Thursday and she is still a little GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: I feel like EVERY DAY / ALL DAY!!! Last night was another bad one. I was having some really strong ones but that are not close enough to go to the hospital plus I am being a little stubborn butt and waiting because I don’t want to just be sent back home.
Belly button in or out? IN but some days it's flat.
What I miss: Being able to just jump up and go… It takes me a second these days
What I am looking forward to: Meeting this little girl very soon!
Milestones: Having everything baby related done before miss Carolina is here!
Total weight gain/loss: Same as last week
Maternity clothes? All maternity clothes these days
Stretch marks? Same as last week
Sleep: I wish I could get some sleep, I haven't slept in a long time!
Best moment this week: Getting Carolina's nursery together… I LOVE IT!!! 10 times better than what I thought it would be, I could stay in there 24/7 and be one happy camper.
Movement: Some days she is a little wild child in there and some days she is slow moving… But I still get kicks and jabbed daily and honestly I am going to miss that
Food cravings: Apple juice, water and yogurt!
Gender: We had an ultrasound this past Thursday and she is still a little GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: I feel like EVERY DAY / ALL DAY!!! Last night was another bad one. I was having some really strong ones but that are not close enough to go to the hospital plus I am being a little stubborn butt and waiting because I don’t want to just be sent back home.
Belly button in or out? IN but some days it's flat.
What I miss: Being able to just jump up and go… It takes me a second these days
What I am looking forward to: Meeting this little girl very soon!
Milestones: Having everything baby related done before miss Carolina is here!
I have a doctors appointment again this Thursday and I am praying this little girl will flip very soon. I have been having good strong contractions for awhile now but they come and go and to far apart to do anything about. I am seriously starting to consider the c section so this little girl will hurry up and get here. I guess we will see what the doctor says Thursday, hopefully something good soon!!
Monday, January 7, 2013
37 Weeks!
How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I'm up about 40 lbs since pre-pregnancy. I am ready for this little girl to get out so I can get my butt back into shape!!
Maternity clothes? Still the usual... Maternity jeans and tops, and leggings occasionally.
Stretch marks? Same as last week, thankfully none are getting worse.
Sleep: haha… What is sleep?
Best moment this week: Nursery done before baby... Woot Woot!!
Movement: She has slowed down dramatically! I still feel her 5-6 times a day but it is a change from last week.
Food cravings: Apple Juice and water!
Gender: GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: I feel like I am having contractions all day, every day. I swear they are not just Braxton Hicks, they are PAINFUL. And this pressure is going to drive me up the wall if she doesn't decide to bring her little butt on soon!!!
Belly button in or out? In but it is usually flat by the end of the day.
What I miss: Sleep!!
What I am looking forward to: Doctor’s appointment Thursday and hopefully meeting this little girl very soon. I am really hoping that she will decide to come sometime this week or possibly next week!!
Milestones: FULL TERM!! Now they can’t stop me... Bring it on little girl!!
Total weight gain/loss: I'm up about 40 lbs since pre-pregnancy. I am ready for this little girl to get out so I can get my butt back into shape!!
Maternity clothes? Still the usual... Maternity jeans and tops, and leggings occasionally.
Stretch marks? Same as last week, thankfully none are getting worse.
Sleep: haha… What is sleep?
Best moment this week: Nursery done before baby... Woot Woot!!
Movement: She has slowed down dramatically! I still feel her 5-6 times a day but it is a change from last week.
Food cravings: Apple Juice and water!
Gender: GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: I feel like I am having contractions all day, every day. I swear they are not just Braxton Hicks, they are PAINFUL. And this pressure is going to drive me up the wall if she doesn't decide to bring her little butt on soon!!!
Belly button in or out? In but it is usually flat by the end of the day.
What I miss: Sleep!!
What I am looking forward to: Doctor’s appointment Thursday and hopefully meeting this little girl very soon. I am really hoping that she will decide to come sometime this week or possibly next week!!
Milestones: FULL TERM!! Now they can’t stop me... Bring it on little girl!!
Friday, January 4, 2013
Doctor's update, well not really...
I HATE going to the doctor’s office. I have been going to the same doctor for the past 5 years and now I am having to see a new doctor.
I had my 36 weeks appointment yesterday and other than getting the Strep B test done, I honestly should have just stayed home. I saw the same doctor as last time and she is not even a doctor, she is just a PA. I LOVE my old doctor and sometimes I wish I was still in NC so I could still see him instead. This is my first time giving birth and I do have question, this isn’t something I do everyday.
Finally after waiting for a little while and having to strip down from my waist down, the doctor came in and we were able to hear Carolina's heart beat and then she measured my belly. The PA checked me and I'm currently not dilating and my cervix is still closed as of yesterday, which I am hoping will change soon.
After having a pretty much pointless appointment. The PA recommended an ultrasound to find out Carolina's exact position and weight. The other night at the hospital, the doctor said she was currently breeched and according to the PA yesterday, she still is. I am really hoping that she decides to turn her butt around soon because we are getting close to the wire now.
My next appointment is Thursday, the 10th and I'm praying that things will have progressed a little by then so we can get this show on the road. I am getting to the point of being anxious and tired of waiting. I am just ready for this little girl to come already so I can meet her!!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Hey there. Its been quite awhile since Ive gotten on here and actually posted anything. Life has been quite busy but Im sure Brandie has been keeping you all updated on it.
We have, since my last post, moved to Virginia and I have started a new job working PMO. I love the job and Im doing well learning a new side of my job. Its what I originally signed on for and Im glad Im actually getting the chance to do it now. I should be stationed here for the next two years or so.
The new area were in is quite comfortable, I like how we are so close to everything around. There is a lot of stuff to do and we dont have to travel 30 min (unless traffic gets too heavy) to get to anywhere. And since I am working shift hours at base I am headed north when everyone else is headed south going home. So honestly everything is pretty good right now.
Our lil girl Carolina is on the way still...due date is Jan 28th but I have a feeling we are going to have her a little early. Hopefully we will because Brandie seems to be in a lot of pain and just wants her to pop her lil head out. :) Im looking forward to seeing her but Im also a little bit nervous. Everyone says to wait to have kids until you're prepared but honestly it seems like no one is ever prepared so why wait ;) Im glad were having a little girl and this will be our only kid. At least for now. You never know what the future will bring. Besides who would want to risk having twins on the next time ;)
Life is good right now. So relaxing. I am finally getting our debts paid off. Its interesting to look back on the past and see how much we have come close to going bankrupt or farther in debt, but we have by the grace of God been able to pull it off with people helping us and us being blessed with extra money here and there. Everything has worked together for good and I am so relieved I am able to provide for my wife and family. I cant wait to be debt free (minus the car payment) lol and I hope it is something I can continue for the rest of our lives. I mean, I have a wedding to pay for 18 years from now wont I? ;) That is if any boys pass the application process for our little Carolina...
Take care everyone and Ill try to get on here a little more often.
We have, since my last post, moved to Virginia and I have started a new job working PMO. I love the job and Im doing well learning a new side of my job. Its what I originally signed on for and Im glad Im actually getting the chance to do it now. I should be stationed here for the next two years or so.
The new area were in is quite comfortable, I like how we are so close to everything around. There is a lot of stuff to do and we dont have to travel 30 min (unless traffic gets too heavy) to get to anywhere. And since I am working shift hours at base I am headed north when everyone else is headed south going home. So honestly everything is pretty good right now.
Our lil girl Carolina is on the way still...due date is Jan 28th but I have a feeling we are going to have her a little early. Hopefully we will because Brandie seems to be in a lot of pain and just wants her to pop her lil head out. :) Im looking forward to seeing her but Im also a little bit nervous. Everyone says to wait to have kids until you're prepared but honestly it seems like no one is ever prepared so why wait ;) Im glad were having a little girl and this will be our only kid. At least for now. You never know what the future will bring. Besides who would want to risk having twins on the next time ;)
Life is good right now. So relaxing. I am finally getting our debts paid off. Its interesting to look back on the past and see how much we have come close to going bankrupt or farther in debt, but we have by the grace of God been able to pull it off with people helping us and us being blessed with extra money here and there. Everything has worked together for good and I am so relieved I am able to provide for my wife and family. I cant wait to be debt free (minus the car payment) lol and I hope it is something I can continue for the rest of our lives. I mean, I have a wedding to pay for 18 years from now wont I? ;) That is if any boys pass the application process for our little Carolina...
Take care everyone and Ill try to get on here a little more often.
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