Monday, June 4, 2012


We are SUPER excited to tell the world that We’re PREGNANT!!!!
On Wednesday, June 30th we found out that our dream was finally going to come true and that we were going to be parents... Both of us are still on cloud 9 with so much excitement.
Our first appointment at the OBGYN is June 19th and we finally get to see our little peanut and to find out how far along we really are.

I had noticed a while ago that I was a week late so I took a test and it had come back negative. I waited until I was about 2 weeks late and took another test, well that one come back negative as well. I decided to wait until I was 3 weeks before taking another and finally that Wednesday morning, Nathan had to leave for work a little early and I decided to sleep in a while longer before getting up. Once I got up, I went to the restroom; like every other morning. I decided to take a pregnancy test, FINALLY, it come out POSITIVE!! I took a second test to make sure just incase it was a false/positive. The second come out POSITIVE as well. I almost died!! I was so ecstatic that I just wanted to scream. I wanted to tell Nathan so badly but I knew he was at work so I couldn't just call him. I decided to take a picture of the pregnancy tests and send it to him. He texted me back with... "Omg... I love you babe, so much!!!" He was sitting at work when he got the text and I guess looked so in shock that everyone was asking him what was wrong. He was showing everyone the picture I sent him and by the end of the day, he received a congratulations by just about everyone in his unit! 
Our next step was to tell our families!! 
I ended up calling my mom, freaking out with excitement! She was so happy but I think she was more or less in shock knowing now that she would be a grandmother within the next year. I don't quite think it was setting in with her though because it was just an at-home test.
We had an appointment at the OBGYN in Wilson that Friday morning to make sure that I was pregnant 100% before we told the rest of our families.
Our appointment lasted maybe 30 minutes. I walked in, signed my name on the wait list and was taken back within 5 minutes to the lab. I had to pee in one of those little blue cups and let me tell you, it is hard to force yourself when you are about to burst with excitement to begin with. Finally after being sent back to the waiting room within 5 minutes the results were in... We are PREGNANT!! I could have died, I was so happy knowing that we were finally going to be parents. 
The next step was telling all of the family. We were going to wait to tell everyone until after our first ultrasound appointment but I was so excited that I couldn't wait. I called my mom while we were leaving the OB and told her the good news, that it was 100% positive. Now was the biggest part though, telling my dad. He was out mowing the lawn so my mom had to bring him the phone. I asked him if he was ready to be a grandfather and he said "Hell, I don't know what to say. I guess I'm happy for you!" He just kept saying that we were a bit too young for kids now, especially with everything going on; having to move to VA and all. 
Then we went to my nana's and told her first; not knowing  that she had already known anyways, my mother had spilled the beans to her before I could get the chance. My mom's younger sister walked in unexpectedly, so I spilled the good news to her as well. If I remember correctly, I think she even screamed! My mom's older sister was next and then my grandmother (my mom's mom). Everyone was so excited and happy for us. I never thought the hugging was ever going to stop. My mom had stopped by my nana's house and my mom, nana, my aunt, my husband and I all decided to go out to eat to celebrate our good news from the day!
It was now Saturday morning and my mom, Nathan and I were all sitting in the living room watching a movie when Nathan decided to call his parents. We are going to New York at the end of this month and we were going to wait to tell his family while we were up there but instead we just couldn't wait and we spilled the beans. His mother screamed with excitement because my husband's brother and his wife is pregnant as well. This is will make her forth grand baby. Nathan's younger sister and two younger brothers were there as well so they heard the good news. We called his oldest sister next, which already has two children of her own. She was super excited and happy for us and actually thought we were already in NY at his parents, she said she would be over soon. lol The last people to tell were his older brother and his wife. We weren't able to get a hold of them but Nathan did finally get in touch with then lastnight and was able to tell them the good news. Me and her are both pregnant so she is really excited about having someone to talk to about it.  
Our days have been pretty crazy since we found out we were pregnant but we are making the best out of everything we just can't wait to have our own little family, life is going to be so perfect with our little bundle of joy!!

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