Saturday, January 21, 2012


Did I say that loud enough or should I say it again...?


I must say that this has been one crazy, mixed up, and insanely stressful deployment... But guess what?? The love of my life will be home in less than TWO WEEKS!!!!! I am getting so excited to finally have him back home! I am cleaning the house top to bottom, making sure it is stocked a mile high with his favorite goodies and treats, and I am decorating like a crazy little elf form the North Pole!! I am can't wait for his butt to be home. It has been 7 months TOOOO long!! I can't wait, I am so excited I could scream and cry at the same time! 

Well I guess I have expressed my excitement enough, I just can't believe it is FINALLY OVER!!!! ;)

I can't wait to see those dreadful busses pull up that stole him away from me 7 months ago... I'll see you soon babe, I love you!! MUAH

1 comment:

  1. You truly are an angel sent to me from above! I cant wait to be home with you! You are my home!


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